Dear Prospective Family,
Welcome to Twelve Stones Classical School! We are delighted you are considering partnering with us. We believe true education is about forming the soul and that you, the parent, are the primary educator. Our collaborative program is designed to combine rigor, flexibility, accountability, and opportunity. As you discover Twelve Stones, I hope you will join us in the endeavor of raising students who readily engage and impact the culture for Christ.
The school serves students in grades PK-12 by offering an excellent and joyfully rigorous education. The program emphasizes a Biblical worldview and the shaping of affections; proven classical teaching methods; and the study of humanities, math, and science.
Believing that truly “Christ-centered” education acknowledges God as the author and sustainer of creation, we affirm that the study of the world reflects the One who made it. So, Twelve Stones graduates are not only articulate, well-rounded, and deeply thoughtful, they are also passionate about Christ, His Kingdom, and serving His people.
We know that choosing the right school is one of the most important responsibilities. So, as you peruse our website, please do not hesitate to contact us with questions. Contact our registrar at office@twelvestonescs.org or, if you would like to speak to someone immediately, please call (719) 204-3494.
We look forward to the prospect of serving you and your family!
Kindest regards,
Donna Shell
Head of School
Twelve Stones Classical School